硬質合金焊接刀片/Carbide brazed tips
Various carbide grades are available for finish and semi-finish cutting of cast iron,nonferrous metals & light alloy.Also for for milling of manganese steel,quenched steel and low alloy steel.
? ?推薦牌號Recommended grades:ZK10、ZK20、ZP20、ZP30、ZK30。
*Please login in?our website?for more sizes and non-standard ones, or we can produce upon your drawing or samples.
服務熱線:內銷:0762-3831180 / 3831260? ? ?外銷:0762-3831680? ? ? ? ? ? ?傳真號碼:0762-3831619? ? ? ? ? ?聯系郵箱:hyzhx098@163.com ? ? ? ? ?
郵編號碼:517000? ? ? ? ? ? 聯系地址:河源市高新區興業大道東邊科技二路南邊
Copyright?2019 -河源正信硬質合金有限公司? ? ? ? ? ?粵ICP備10229233號? ? ? ? ?技術支持:小狐科技? ? ? ? ?網站地圖